Mail-In Form

Contributions to the Maza for Senate Campaign

NOTE: Please make check payable to: Maza for Senate Committee

IMPORTANT: Only checks from individuals can be accepted. Please do not send corporate checks (regardless of the size of the business).

Please include your name and contact information with all contributions:


                 (First Name)                  (Middle Initial)                  (Last Name)

Mailing Address:

                 (Street Address Line #1)

                 (Street Address Line #2)

                 (City)                                 (State)                           (Zip Code)

Campaign Finance Reporting Notice: If your contribution is above $250.00, you must include the following information:

                 (Your employer/principal place of business and your employer’s mailing address)

                 (Your occupation/job title)

Mail your contribution to:

Maza for Senate Committee
Mr. Elvin R. Souder, Treasurer
Souder, Rosenberger, Bricker, Maza & Landis
114-120 East Broad Street
P.O. Box 64739
Souderton, PA 18964-0739


Your donation to the Maza for Senate Campaign is deeply appreciated!

For Your Records

Contribution to: Maza for Senate Committee

Date of check: _______________________

Amount of donation: __________________

Check number: ______________________

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